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Of course, MOST recalls aren't serious. Some are based on something simple like United States labeling regulations that were missed by a foreign manufacturer.

Even though this is now 2017, as car recalls remain to be a big deal. This post is relevant if you do have an automobile and you have a recall for it, especially one that can compromise you or your families safety.

It’s true that a defective car part or design flaw in a truck or other vehicle doesn’t automatically mean danger. On the other hand, California residents who purchase any type of vehicle have a right to expect the product is safe to use unless warned otherwise by the manufacturer. There is always a risk on the road, and drivers must be prepared to handle it as best they can. One thing they shouldn’t have to worry about, however, is a malfunctioning vehicle.

According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, this past year can be known as the year of the recall in the automobile industry. Automakers in the United States issued 803 recalls, equating to about 64 million vehicles. Records show this is more than double the previous record established in 2004. The report even suggests consumers should expect a higher number of recalls in 2015 as well.

Of course, MOST recalls aren’t serious. Some are based on something simple like United States labeling regulations that were missed by a foreign manufacturer. But the ones that are critical, such as the General Motors ignition switch recall of 5.9 million older cars, can be based on devastating loss of life or serious injury alleged to be a result of the defect. Reportedly, at least 12 million vehicles from 10 different car companies have been recalled for defective air bags made by a foreign company. Exploding on impact with such force as to expel metal fragments into the vehicle cabin, at least six fatalities worldwide and 64 injured victims have been attributed to this defect. What’s worse in the GM situation is that officials have admitted they knew about the faulty ignition switch for many years, but didn’t issue a recall. Reports are at least 52 people have been killed in crashes caused by these cars stalling unexpectedly.

Consumers are responsible for keeping up-to-date on repairs when notified. But with many variables involved and manufacturers withholding information, it’s understandable that accidents will happen that deserve scrutiny. Recovery and financial security may be gained by seeking accountability from car makers when defective vehicles traveling our roads and highways cause calamitous losses.

Source: Claims Journal, “Close to 64M Vehicles Recalled in 2014” Tom Krisher and Dee-Ann Durbin, Feb. 17, 2015


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